Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I've always wanted to write and draw a comic book.

It's the one thing that's remained consistent as long as I can remember. I went through the astronaut, policeman, fireman, and even the preacher stages, and passed through them... and in "real life" I've bounced around through a number of different "real jobs," but all through it I've been doodling away, dipping occasionally into the comic book world, but always walking away, because drawing comic books for Marvel or DC isn't realistic...

But now it's 2011, we have the interwebs, self-publishing is all the rage, and thanks to our wonderful economy, I've got some free time, so what better to do between frustrating job searches than pursue a life long dream?

And to keep myself moving, and to amuse myself along the way, I'm going to blog about the process... because, hey, who isn't blogging about everything these days?  And who knows, some one out there may find it amusing... and if nothing else, when I'm old and grey, I'll be to read this and amuse myself.

Oh, and by the way, I can barely draw or write, so this should be entertaining.

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